Wranglin' Wranglers

     The Suns showed up on campus Valentine's weekend. Not to visit valentines but to wrangle Wranglers! Bright and early- the Suns arrived at Cedar Valley College to greet the Wranglers of Cisco College. It was a gorgeous Sunday morning with beautiful 70 degree weather and they dedicated it to baseball, starting at noon with the first series game then, followed by a second series game at 3PM. 

     A Sunday game is not usually on schedule. Perhaps, the Suns were thrown off a bit by the last minute schedule change or having to wake extra early that morning to host a ballgame that day but it showed in their performance. The first series game was lost 16-3. However, that loss served as a wake up call as the Sun's came back for the second game ready to wrangle and wrangle they did! The second series game was won by a long shot, 11-7.

Offensive Highlights: 


Pitching Highlights: