Women's Soccer Shutout by Mountain View

Women's Soccer Shutout by Mountain View

The CVC Women's Soccer Team were defeated in a hard fought battle against the Mountain View Lions, 2-0.

The Lady Suns held the Lions scoreless in the first half of play and did not allow a goal until the 20:11 mark of the second half.

CVC was unable to answer back, as the Lions pushed the lead to 2-0 late in the match to secure the win.

The Lady Suns return to action this Tuesday, when they face North Lake College.

Cedar Valley Lady Suns vs. North Lake Blazers: Tuesday, October 18 at 4:00 p.m.
5001 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving, TX 75038

Follow Cedar Valley College's Athletic Department on Twitter: @CVC_Suns
"Shining Bright, Burning Strong"